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Best Chinchilla Cages[Reviews, Advice +19 Buying Tips], Best Chinchilla Bedding[Options+No Odor & Tips], Best Chinchilla Toys [13 Toys Your Chinchilla Will Love], Best Chinchilla Hay [Best Hay for A Chins Diet+Tips], Best Chinchilla Hammocks [5 Fantastic Options], Best Chinchilla Litter[3 Best Litter Options For Chinchillas], What Is the Best Dust for Chinchillas? Chinchilla, (genus Chinchilla), either of two South American species of medium-sized rodents long valued for their extremely soft and thick fur. Chinchillas usually have a high appetite for jumping and hopping around, so chinchilla owners often wonder how high chinchillas can jump. January 5, 2015 Chinchilla foods Chris Boiled eggs are eggs that are cooked by way of immersion in boiling water with the shells intact and are boiled long enough for the egg white and the egg yolk to solidify. It does not have to be so do not let it be. A cage that has urine either on aspen shavings or other chinchilla bedding will begin to smell or cause a stink that smells much like ammonia. Chinchillas are great pets to own and do nothing but show affection towards their owners so be sure to take care of them properly in return , Share Your Thoughts and Concerns on The Topic. It’s not a smell I enjoy so I avoid this by ensuring chinchilla urine doesn’t go unattended in the cage. Chinchillas are exotic pets; they take a little extra care. Alright, let’s kick start this convo by being 100% clear. Since we already touched on the illness side of things, let’s discuss cleaning the cage to ensure this cause of a stinky chinchilla is removed from the realm of possibilities. Yes, a chinchilla can and will throw poop. Leopard Geckos:Identification, Care and Breeding.Ray Hunziker 1994. Chinchillas are related to guinea pigs and porcupines. 2009. However, you can view my post about the best chinchilla dust and dust bathhouses here for further information on this topic. Weekly cage cleaning will keep them virtually odor free. Chinchillas often find corners to pee in and when they do this repeatedly in the same spot with less bedding, the ammonia smell seems to be produced much faster from the cage itself. Your chinchilla needs attention and you should set aside some time to talk and play with your chinchilla each day. Do Chinchillas Have a Smell? Change the bedding in the cage and be sure to clean the chinchilla poop, You really have to consider fleece liners as your. Clean the tubes when cleaning your water bottles. The most common issue is because their cage hasn’t been cleaned in a while. Chinchilla’s droppings are quite hard, simple to clean, and contain no bad smell. You might discover matted fur down its chest, and slobber or mouth drool. Here’s what I intend on covering in today’s brief post about a chinchilla’s smell and how to control it: As stated before, understanding your chinchilla’s hygiene is essential for you to be the best chinchilla owner possible. Over time, the teeth will grow into the soft tissue of the mouth which is when the pain, infections, and smell may begin to present itself. It’s awesome to be quite honest.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'planetchinchilla_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])); It is important to understand that if a chinchilla does happen to smell, that you often have more of a serious issue to address. To help your chinchillas feel at home after you clean them out, use an unscented pet-safe cleaner and keep back a handful of bedding that’s been used but is still clean. The best way to avoid this, in general, is to always have plenty of, You can see the recommended hay I currently use here, I also love using the apple chew sticks for my chinchilla to keep her teeth healthy, The Importance of Cleaning Your Chinchilla Cage To Keep Smells and Odor At a Minimum. Don’t just discard all of the chinchilla poop. To keep poop from falling out of the cage, you can also consider poop-scatter guards that are designed for certain chinchilla cages.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_3',111,'0','0'])); You can see these scatter guards for yourself here (Link to Amazon). Chinchillas are the softest, and most adorable of the bunch. If an odor is emitting from your chinchilla or your chinchilla cage, it’s not due to the poop inside of the cage. Since we already touched on the illness side of things, let’s discuss cleaning the cage to ensure this cause of a stinky chinchilla is removed from the realm of possibilities.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'planetchinchilla_com-leader-2','ezslot_4',108,'0','0'])); You need to clean the cage often and ensure you clean the entire cage. Try using a different brand or use smaller shavings as it will cause the wet shavings will fall to the bottom while the dryer shavings remain on top. Chinchillas farts do not produce any odor. If a chinchilla is emitting an odor or producing a smell, it is likely due to illness. There are a few common reasons why your chinchilla smells. Here we share care knowledge and tips to keep your rodent (and rabbit) healthy and happy. If their cleaning needs aren’t met then both the Chinchilla, as well as, their habitat will start to smell bad. Chinchillas require just as much time as any other pets. This can eventually cause an odor or smell. ], Are Chinchillas Affectionate? So, we know that chinchillas do not smell and if they do it’s either you not staying diligent with cleanings or potential illness or a tooth infection. While the answer to this question is relatively straightforward, I do have some further insight on this topic I’d prefer to share with you.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-box-4','ezslot_19',103,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-box-4','ezslot_20',103,'0','1'])); To make your life and in case you are in a rush, I’ve created easy to navigate links directly below that will allow you to skip to any specific section of this post that you desire or need to learn more about. I also have a post breaking down the best chinchilla litter that you can see here.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-leader-3','ezslot_8',110,'0','0'])); Both of these will have you moving in the right direction to removing any chance of having a stinky chinchilla if you have patience and do it correctly. best chinchilla litter that you can see here. You can find this dust at any local pet store. link to Can Chinchillas Eat Rose Hips? Another awesome trick you can implement is to potty train your chinchilla to urinate in a litter pan. Budgies are awesome. Maybe he’d walk over there on his lunch hour—the exercise would do him good. Straw should never be used as bedding in a hamster cage as it can be sharp and could […], It’s no mystery that hamsters love to climb. Chinchilla’s do not smell. Among other silly chinchilla type behaviors of course. Thanks for Visiting Planet Chinchilla. If your chinchilla does leave a smell, either he's sick or you're not cleaning his cage as often as you should. This is also a really good time to socialize and bond with your pet. What was the cause and what did you do to fix the smell? The video below demonstrates how to clean your chinchilla cage. Chinchillas may shed, let their water bottles drip on the bedding and fleece and of course, food and hay can even make a slight odor after enough days have passed. A chinchilla’s teeth are very important to its health. Chinchillas are herbivores by nature and can’t digest meat. It will smell just like any other dirty rodent cage such as a hamster, rabbit, or even ferret. Yes, chinchilla pee will cause an odor if it is not cleaned often enough. While chinchillas defecate a lot, their poop doesn’t usually smell, and if their droppings smell, seek medical attention. They keep their fur grease- and fluid-free, so that shouldn’t smell of anything either. It is recommended that you clean your chinchilla’s cage a couple of times a week to make sure your chinchilla has fresh bedding and remains healthy and doesn’t start to smell. A chinchilla is easy to look after, rarely aggressive, very clean and has practically no smell at all. Is straw safe for hamsters? Rosehips and other superfoods can be highly beneficial for your chinchilla. If you take more than that, then you are not cleaning your cage as often as you should. Some chinchillas like to be handled, while others do … However, I prefer to order my dust in the quantities I prefer.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-netboard-1','ezslot_18',113,'0','0'])); I personally love the Blue Beauty Dust (Link to Amazon). Make sure your chinchilla’s cage has enough ventilation. Ensuring that the teeth are healthy will eliminate the chance of this ever being the cause of a smell coming from your chinchilla. Just like humans, if you don’t clean your living conditions it is going to start to smell! Chinchillas don't have a smell to them, atleast the ones I have been around don't. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. It is also part of learning how to take care of a chinchilla properly. Some owners think their chinchilla smells sweet. Eliminate the possibilities of what the smell could be with your chinchilla until you have it pinpointed and complete the correct remedy to get the smell back under control. Luckily, this brief post should clear up any questions you have about a chinchilla producing an odor/smell. If the teeth experience problems during growth such as overgrowth, not straight or crooked teeth, or begin to wear unevenly it can lead to pain among other issues such as odor. Seven Dog Breeds That Won't Stink up your House. They are fairly easy to take care of. Chinchilla poop will not cause your chinchilla or the chinchilla cage to stink any more or any less just for the record. When a chinchilla is frightened, it is more likely to try to run away than to bite. Toys are essential to making sure your hamster gets enough exercise and lives a healthy and happy life. Some beddings smell more than others, you should try experimenting with different types of beddings and brands until you find one you like. If your chinchilla starts to smell, it is because their cage hasn’t been cleaned in a while, doesn’t have enough ventilation or your chinchilla has a health problem. You should let them out of their cage to run around and get some exercise. Chinchilla’s urine is close to odorless. They have large, black eyes and bushy tails. If your pet's body develops an odor, take him to … 4. We created Planet Chinchilla to share all the stories about owning a chinchilla that you need to know. Without fresh water and food, your chinchilla can become very ill. You should check your chinchilla’s water twice a day and make sure their hay rack is topped up when needed. Their hard poops are dry to the touch, so shouldn’t smell. Some beddings smell more than others. [Moderation Is Key], link to Can Chinchillas Eat Bee Pollen? Not to mention, your chinchilla will love them. [No, And Here is Why], What Is the Ideal Temperature for A Chinchilla? [Be Careful & No Fresh Fruits! There cages don't smell unless they aren't being cleaned regularly. This was a game-changer for eliminating all smells in my chinchilla cage.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'planetchinchilla_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_14',109,'0','0'])); This is because you can simply use a shop vacuum to clean the cage and all the normal debris such as poop, discarded hay, or chinchilla pellets. 1 decade ago. Chinchilla’s should never smell in any fashion assuming you follow the guidelines laid out for you in today’s post.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'planetchinchilla_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_15',114,'0','0'])); Always be willing to call a vet if you know you have been diligent with cleaning the cage and believe another issue may be taking place. If your chinchilla starts to smell, it is because their cage hasn’t been cleaned in a while, doesn’t have … Assuming your chinchilla is not potty trained and urinates on the cage bedding, the more fresh cage bedding you have for the urine to get absorbed by, the better and the less smell or stink that will be produced. Ensure you keep a regular cage cleaning schedule to avoid too much poop being present for your chinchilla to throw. It’s a perfect size and has multiple levels to allow her space to do her thing.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_17',112,'0','0'])); I have a full review of the Critter Nation 2 Cage that you can see here. Have you experienced your chinchilla having a bad smell before? Today's video is a quick one on the topic of dealing with unpleasant odors that sometimes happen when owning your chinchilla. Chinchillas do not smell, stink or produce odor unless you are not cleaning the cage often enough or your chinchilla is potentially ill. Chinchillas do not smell and their cages are often odor-free if you remain diligent with changing your chinchilla’s bedding. This was a game-changer for eliminating all smells in my chinchilla cage. Chinchillas smell really good. You really have to consider fleece liners as your go-to chinchilla bedding. The answer is Yes. Chinchillas like being surrounded by their own smells so cleaning their enclosure can be quite stressful for them. Once this is complete, all urine-related smells or other odors will be completely eliminated. She owns a hamster as well as a dog and a cat and hopes to spread her knowledge about rodents to help other pet owners. Make sure all the soap has been washed off though! Chinchillas are not always the 'cuddly' type of pet you might expect. However, chinchillas are unique in the fact that they are careful where they place their urine/pee (unless you being sprayed). The town library was only two blocks from the police station. 3. Luckily, this brief post should clear up any questions you have about a chinchilla producing an odor/smell.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'planetchinchilla_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',105,'0','0'])); Adopting and caring for a new chinchilla can be intimidating and confusing. + How To Control It… I'm also the author of the Digital eBook "Avoiding Critical Mistakes Ultimate Chinchilla Care Guide, From Adoption and On" That you can see below or by visiting the E-Book Store. The Guide to Owning a Leopard Gecko. If your chinchilla shows these signs, it calls for urgent medical attention. 5. In all honesty, this won’t even help eliminate any odor if an odor or stink is coming from the cage. It will smell just like any other dirty rodent cage such as a hamster, How Often to Remove Chinchilla Poop For Optimal Odor and Cleanliness, As far as the poop, I do it strictly to keep my chinchilla comfortable and, To keep poop from falling out of the cage, you can also consider poop-scatter guards that are designed for certain, You can see these scatter guards for yourself here, Large Chinchilla Cages Can Help Eliminate Any Smell, I’ve noticed that ever since I switched from a small, Chinchillas need plenty of room to move freely so they can, The cage that I use to encourage and allow my chinchilla plenty of space is the Critter Nation 2 (dual-level) cage. Relax, Chinchillas Do Not Smell And Make For One Of The Cleanest Pets. Chinchillas have poor eyesight but a strong sense of smell, hearing, and through their whiskers, touch. Without doing so can make your chinchilla ill. As well, check that the temperature is controlled. It might be a good idea to give them dust bathes whilst you’re cleaning their cage. While the answer to this question is relatively straightforward, I do have some further insight on this topic I’d prefer to share with you. Chinchillas need plenty of room to move freely so they can climb and jump. Then, fill the container with the lyme/sulfur solution that your vet has prescribed. However, they do still need to take care of that soft fur. In most circumstances, when it comes to cage cleaning and your chinchilla producing any odor, it is due to the ammonia smell being produced by the urine. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_13',115,'0','0'])); My Name is Josh and this is my 4 year-old female chinchilla "Chili". Making sure a chinchilla is well cared for is the best preventative medicine. Chinchillas are odor-free. Cleaning will take you approximately 20 minutes. Regardless of the dust baths, and assuming the cage is clean and no illnesses are present, your chinchilla still will not smell. Ensuring you afford your chinchilla the ability to bathe in dust often enough can avoid fur issues or other illnesses and also help eliminate any chance of your producing a smell. While chinchillas are usually odor-free, there are factors that could cause them smell. You should ensure that you do this as often as possible. They remain scarce in the wild but are raised commercially and also sold as … The cage that I use to encourage and allow my chinchilla plenty of space is the Critter Nation 2 (dual-level) cage (Link To Amazon). … Yes, chinchillas fart and can have gas build up in their intestines. Ulcers and abscesses may cause the smell. It’s important to consult a vet if you notice anything that could indicate dental issues with your chinchilla which again, can often be easily noticed if your chinchilla is producing a smell.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',107,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',107,'0','1'])); Other symptoms could include the following: The best way to avoid this, in general, is to always have plenty of chinchilla safe chew toys. An easy way to recognize this early is if you notice excessively grinding their teeth more than usual. Common symptoms of Then it will start to smell pretty bad but it is that way with any animal. Welcome! Chinchillas in captivity can live up to 15 to 20 years, according to Animal Diversity Web. Chinchilla’s should never smell in any fashion assuming you follow the guidelines laid out for you in today’s post. 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